Jan 10, 2023, 9:51 AM
News ID: 84994150
2 Persons


US must hand over Gen Soleimani’s assassins to Iran: Official

Jan 10, 2023, 9:51 AM
News ID: 84994150
US must hand over Gen Soleimani’s assassins to Iran: Official

Mashhad, IRNA – The United States must either prosecute suspects involved in the assassination of General Soleimani or hand them over the Iran, says an Iranian official responsible for pursuing the case in domestic and international courts.

Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei said at a ceremony held in the northeastern city of Mashhad late on Monday that Iran had made initial correspondences demanding the US to prosecute the suspects accused of having a role in General Soleimani’s assassination three years ago.

Kadkhodaei said preliminary legal measures have been taken with regard to the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents.

The senior official, who also leads Iran’s Guardian Council’s research center, added that an indictment has been prepared on the case which accuses some 90 US nationals of involvement in General Soleimani’s assassination, adding that the indictment will soon be submitted to a court for further proceedings.

Referring to cooperation between Iran and Iraq on the case, he said Iraq has the right to be involved in efforts to investigate the assassination as it took place inside the Arab country and several Iraqi nationals were also among the victims of the incident.

US must hand over Gen Soleimani’s assassins to Iran: Official

Kadkhodaei said the two neighboring countries have formed a joint committee to pursue the case, adding that the Iraqi members of the committee are now in Iran to discuss how they can cooperate on the case.

General Soleimani, the former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, was assassinated along a number of his companions, including Iraqi popular militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, in a US drone attack just outside the main airport in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on January 3, 2020.


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